Monday, March 25, 2013

What Doesn’t Kill The GOP Will Make It Stronger

  Every so often in American history, factions of the same political party part ways, which creates a temporary national three-party system.  It comes as no surprise that the GOP is seemingly fractured beyond repair after the stinging loss in 2012.  There are Tea Party Patriot groups slamming the establishment with portraits of Karl Rove dressed as a Nazi.  Terms like neo-con and tea party militant are tossed around to demonize the same person who was an ally just a few short months ago.  Of course, we all hear from the mainstream media that this is the end of the GOP.  However, infighting between party factions on both sides of the aisle has served to strengthen a party’s resolve to win future elections.

  Infighting and nitpicking within a party can be used to the party’s advantage.  One should not forget the massive split between Democrats in 2008; Hillary v. Barack.  It was obvious Clinton underestimated the strength of her primary opponent.  When Obama won the nomination, many Clinton supporters refused their support.  However, Democrats quickly repaired the fractures within the party.  The situation with conservatives may seem dire.  Yet the name calling and finger pointing is child’s play in comparison with the Democrat split just four years ago.  The Democrats were simply forced to come together quickly, whereas conservatives will have until the 2014 midterms to come together.  Two years of infighting means two years of media coverage, as the mainstream will believe they are witnessing the GOP self destruct.  What the media will unknowingly accomplish is bringing attention to the conservative platform.  Various studies show negative coverage is far more powerful than positive.  Many independents who may have believed the Republicans are the party of no will begin to see that conservatives are truly for freedom, liberty, and individual responsibility.  

  The Republican Party has a unique opportunity to bring conservative values to the forefront, even if it is through bickering and mocking the ‘other guy.’  When push comes to shove, conservatives will realize a larger uniting agenda –to stop the Democrat’s progressive socialist agenda and return American values to those who represent America.  Conservatives may be angry or upset, but these combative conservatives were once allies in an ongoing crusade against government intrusion.  Much like the left came together in 2008; conservative factions will ultimately be allies once again, for it is the American way to put aside differences when it matters most.  With a united GOP, a bit of ingenuity, and hard work, the midterm and 2016 presidential elections should prove once and for all that the conservative movement should never be underestimated.    

Freedom Weekly, February 27, 2013 Vol. 003 Issue 005 

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