Thursday, April 11, 2013

The 2016 Dark Horse

  After a tough election loss, a political party’s pride can be momentarily deflated.  To invigorate party pride, chatter begins about possible candidates for the next election cycle.  Even well before the midterm elections, both the Republicans and Democrats are on a quest to find their 2016 presidential candidates.  Yet there is a lot of time between now and the midterms, much less the presidential election.  While the most obvious choice for Democrats at this point is Hillary Clinton, similar to 2008, there very well could be a dark horse to come into the picture and edge out other leading candidates.  The Republican Party may very well have its own dark horse candidate who will win GOP nomination, and he is right here in America’s Dairyland. 

  Governor Scott Walker could potentially be the dark horse Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election.  Elected in 2010, Scott Walker will face reelection in 2014.  The left will once again try their hardest to oust the governor.  Despite the left’s best efforts, Governor Walker won the vote in 60 out of Wisconsin’s 72 counties.  Wisconsin may have gone ‘blue’ in November with Baldwin and Obama, but the GOP gained majority in the state assembly and senate.  These conservative leaning trends make it unlikely the Governor will be unseated.  That does not mean reelection will be easy.  But Scott Walker is certainly a fighter, and a winner at that.  The Governor will be ready for the national stage, and the progressives may have actually helped him with the national exposure during the recall elections. 
  Scott Walker would pose a great threat to the Democrat presidential nominee, and would be more likely to run a winning campaign any other candidate.  He poses a triple threat to the Democrats: personality, ideals, and accomplishments.  Scott Walker is approachable, listens to the opinions of others, and easily relatable to the everyday American.  Walker also has the tough skin required to be on the forefront of controversy.  Situations where progressives run and hide in other states like fugitives, Walker admirably takes up the fight.  He fights for what he believes is right without ignoring dissenting opinions.  His political ideology and supporting arguments may be exactly what the Republicans need.  With so much GOP infighting, Scott Walker has the ability to unify the party with his modern Reaganesque views.  Walker’s ideology takes shape through his practical approach to problem solving and willingness to roll up his sleeves to get things done.  Walker fought the union fat cats by ending collective bargaining, and again by winning the recall election.  He supports legislation that adheres to fairness like the voter ID bill.  Walker opened Wisconsin for business, which was greatly suffering under his predecessor Jim Doyle.  In 2010, Walker made a pledge to create 250,000 jobs.  He is well on his way with nearly 70,000 jobs created, with far more to come by infrastructure investments, reformed education, and the passage of the mining bill.  Scott Walker has a proven track record of which to proudly stand by.  

  Governor Scott Walker offers all of the right qualities that our nation deserves in a president.  While many are touting libertarians like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, they lack the unifying nature that a candidate like Walker has.  Andrea Tantaros, cohost of The Five on Fox News, subtly touched on this point by saying she liked the Wisconsin governor during a discussion on potential 2016 candidates.  Much like Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker is more likely to go after every vote rather than segmenting voters into winnable and non-winnable blocs.  It’s time we get an executive back in the White House.  Should Governor Scott Walker decide to run for the Republican presidential nomination, Wisconsinites may have to start sending Christmas cards for the governor to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  Scott Walker could be a true dark horse candidate in 2016 should he decide to run.  President Scott Walker.  What pride a Wisconsinite would feel hearing that every day!

Freedom Weekly, April 10, 2013 Vol. 003 Issue 008


  1. How is Governor Walker well on his way to creating 250,000 jobs? He is in his 3rd year in office. He would have to create 180,000 jobs in about a year and a half. Wisconsin is 48th in nation in job growth.

  2. The Republicans can't win a national election, because it is a fractured party. Walker is in no way a Reagan Republican. In fact, Reagan would be considered too far left by many in the Republican party if he were to run for president in 2013. Walker has no original ideas, all of his legislative proposals have been written by A.L.E.C., which I believe can only be successful on the state level.
