Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Natalie DuBose: Inspiration For Ferguson

Heartbreaking image of Natalie DuBose as she reacts to the sight of damage to her business.

  Meet Natalie DuBose.  Natalie worked her tail off to open up Natalie's Cakes & More in Ferguson.  It was her dream to own a window-front cake shop.  Readying for the upcoming holiday season, Natalie left her window-front cake shop on November 24 with hopes that recent protests over the death of Michael Brown would not become violent.  That night, the window Natalie DuBose worked so hard for was needlessly smashed, and her store damaged by the violence in Ferguson of unsympathetic rioters.

Police vehicle burns in Ferguson.
  I don't care whether or not you agree or disagree with the decision by the grand jury not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the death of Michael Brown.  It is not my intention to persuade anyone, one way or the other.  It is a tragic situation no matter how one views it.  However, to act lawlessly, and literally destroy the hopes, dreams, and achievements of others is not how anyone should be reacting.

  You're mad?  Be mad.  But don't let your anger control you.  Don't let that anger destroy communities full of people who might be just as angry but choose to express it in a peaceful way.

  Calling these people 'protesters' is no longer applicable.  They are rioters, agitators who are committing acts of domestic terror against fellow Americans.  Next time you're angry over the perceived injustices of the world, just remember Miss DuBose, who is an victim of such anger.  I truly hope those upset over the debacle in Ferguson can rise above the pure anger and find a respectable way to solve a problem.
  Yes, black lives matter, but everyone's life matters.  Hopes and dreams also matter.  Achievements matter.  And to destroy those hopes and dreams of others using a social protest to justify violence is to destroy the progress of America; the achievements of America.

  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend."  Don't use hate and anger as motivation.  Use the love for America, for your neighbors, for your community as motivation to improve the world. 

  We're all American, and we should act like it.  Lift each other up, not burn each other's dreams down.  Because that is really where the tragedy in this situation today lies.  Natalie DuBose and her cake shop plan to remain in Ferguson.  She won't let hate run her life, but rather the passions that drive her and love for her community.

  Will Miss DuBose have a lot of hard work, frustration, and even headaches in cleaning up and rebuilding as she moves forward?  Absolutely.  As a business owner, she has risen above challenges before.  But for her to not give up on her dream and to do her part in improving her community with her own personal achievements is simply inspirational.  We should all live and love the same.

Visit Natalie's Cakes & More on Facebook, and show her some love and support!

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