Friday, August 2, 2013

Obama Reactive, Not Proactive On Terror

  President Obama and his administration are not being proactive, but reactive once again in foreign policy issues such as international terrorism.  The US received intelligence on potential terror attacks at U.S. embassies, tourist locations, or on infrastructure in the Middle East.  The US government issued a travel alert on August 2 in response to credible threats by terrorist groups, which will remain in effect until August 31.  In addition to the alert, multiple embassies are to close August 4.  The closed embassies focus around the Middle East and northern Africa.  While the Obama administration is taking genuine precautions with the alerts and closures, Obama’s continuous downplaying of the stranglehold that extremist groups still have in the region has put American lives in constant danger.

  The attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 is still being investigated as a failure of response on part of both the White House and State Department with the subsequent cover-up of the event as a terror attack.  The President, former US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton all cited a video as the cause of protests that became violent.  We now know that was a complete fallacy conjured up by the administration.  
CNN recently confirmed that there were CIA agents on the ground at the time of the attack.  This raises more questions, and verifies that the motives for a cover-up may be even worse than the initial reelection strategy theory.  Even after President Obama proclaimed the demise of Al-Qaeda, American civilians and soldiers alike are still being killed by this gross negligence of foreign enemies. 

  Almost one year after the Benghazi terror attack, the most recent alerts were issued at a time when Secretary of State John Kerry is in the preliminary stages of Middle East peace talks.  One could find it quite ironic Secretary Kerry is beginning peace talks for a region where the State Department issued alerts and embassy closures.   One must contemplate how the Obama administration plans to use US influence to continue peace talks and see progress when the government is closing embassies and issuing severe alerts.  While it is important to protect the safety of Americans both abroad and at home, especially with credible threats, it seems Obama is abandoning American power in the region.  With fledgling democracies in Iraq and Afghanistan, a possible nuclear Iran, and civil unrest in Egypt, Syria, and many other Middle Eastern nations, decreasing American influence may increase the impact extremists have. 

  The Obama administration may have ‘learned’ not to abandon Americans in need of assistance with the Benghazi attack.  However, President Obama, as usual, may be taking this lesson to a whole new level.  With credible threats, it would seem plausible to increase visible security forces at our embassies; and should a situation occur, to protect and defend the lives of Americans.  Obama has no plans to do so.  He had led from behind on many previous issues in the region, and this is no exception.  Obama is simply being reactive to terrorist threats, not proactively providing increased security and tracking down the actual terrorists accordingly. 

  The administration may believe they are taking necessary steps to provide safety to Americans abroad; however, closing embassies for one day will not simply eradicate the threat of terrorism, especially when the closures are broadcasted to the whole world.  It is this mindset of a diminished threat from Al-Qaeda of which may have been the root cause of Benghazi as well as the lies that followed, the Boston Marathon bombing, and countless other situations. 
Boston Herald Cover - Obama knows 'nothing.'
The President needs to be more proactive with American influence throughout the world; particularly in the Middle East, not reactive to potentialities.  Closing embassies may give the terrorists ammunition in recruitment, saying Americans are scared of them.  That’s precisely what extremists want –a weak or even non-existent American influence.  Downplaying the strength extremist groups still have is ultimately dangerous to the safety of Americans.  It is unsettling the country reelected a leader without a backbone, who time and time again seems to have no clue about what’s going on in the world, much less in his own administration.   However, Americans should remain strong, and continue to proactively defend and promote ideals like liberty, justice, and freedom; even if our president won’t. 

Published: Freedom Weekly, August 7, 2013, Vol. 003 Issue 016


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