Thursday, August 22, 2013

Violent Crime: Chicago-ification Of Milwaukee

  Over the past few months, the number violent crimes in the city of Milwaukee have dramatically increased.  While robberies, aggravated assaults, stabbings, and shootings are on the rise, seemingly little has actually been done to relieve the city of crime.  While it is easy to lay the blame on one contributing factor, a torrent of problems such as poverty, lack of education, and general failure of city leaders all play a part in the South Chicago-ification of crime in Milwaukee.

  The city’s north side is plagued with a high poverty level.  In fact, Milwaukee’s middle class fell to 25% of the population, as those living in poverty have risen to around 30%.  While much of the blame lays on a 40% decline in manufacturing jobs since the 1970’s, the city has trouble even acknowledging the employment issue.  In a recent radio interview covered by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mayor Tom Barrett stated, “There's a lot of poverty here and we're trying to do everything we can to create jobs. But bear in mind, there are still places on this planet where there's more poverty than there is here, and we don't have the level of violence.”  In the interview, he explained that poverty is not the sole reason for increases in violent crimes.  While he is correct that poverty isn’t the only cause, stating his administration is attempting to stimulate job growth is incorrect.  In fact, it is Governor Scott Walker’s administration that pledged $100 million to stimulate the Milwaukee economy.  Meanwhile, Barrett brushes off the notion that poverty is a large contributing factor to crime.
Crime Stats Courtesy of TMJ4

  Along with high poverty levels, Milwaukee contends with a deplorable public education system.  The school district recently earned a grade of D- by the state of Wisconsin.  The number of failing schools is on the rise with a top 5 national dropout rate and a graduation rate of only 62%.  With an uneducated and unskilled potential workforce, education is a direct contributing factor to the high poverty level in the city.  It comes as no surprise that in cities with high poverty and poor education, violent crime rates are high. 
Fortunately, Scott Walker’s Act 10 will begin to break down union grip on the city’s education system; along with an expanded school voucher system that will ultimately help the city’s failing schools.

  Despite Governor Walker’s best efforts, the city of Milwaukee continues to allow progressive ideology to lead.  Mayor Tom Barrett pointed out potential factors in crime, yet sweeps them under the rug.  Barrett offers no real solutions, and allows himself credit for the achievements of the Republican governor.  Pointing out an increasing problem with crime, yet not acting on it is not leadership.  Another failure of leadership is seen with Police Chief Ed Flynn.  Violent crime is the highest since Flynn became chief, which may be misleading.  Despite being exonerated, evidence shows that Flynn failed to accurately report assaults as violent crime, and in some cases, may have not reported them at all.  Chief Flynn is also an anti-gun advocate; the opposite opinion of his counterpart Sherriff David Clarke Jr.  Sheriff Clarke issued a statement urging law abiding citizens to legally carry weapons for defense.  Flynn wants guns off the streets altogether.  However, we all should be aware that criminals break laws, including gun laws. 

  Recently, Flynn announced the police department will initiate a crime prevention initiative that was seemingly successful in the past.  The basic concept of the program is to have more officers visible in high crime areas.  This method saw a decrease in crime by nearly 67% in high crime areas.  However, Flynn stopped the crime prevention initiative when the crime rate seemed more manageable.  If this initiative worked in the past, one must question why Flynn and other city leaders decided to halt the program at all.  The blatant disregard for the safety of Milwaukee’s law abiding citizens by city leaders such as Chief Flynn and Mayor Barrett is astounding. 

  Poverty, appalling public education, and poor liberal leadership are a few of the many dynamics triggering the increase in violent crime in Milwaukee.  The city’s north side is no longer a safe place to live or work.  Ignoring the problems at hand will only cause further increases in violent crimes.  Perhaps Milwaukee could take a page from neighboring cities, such as Waukesha; where economic policies encourage job growth, public education is one of the best in the nation, and where city leaders like Waukesha Mayor Jeff Scrima actually identify issues, offer solutions and act on problems.  Until then, Milwaukee’s crime problem may only become worse.

Published: Freedom Weekly, August 17, 2013, Vol. 003 Issue 017

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